Category Archives: Immigration Law

An individual organizing a stack of white documents with a calculator nearby. Clips separate the colored coded documents.

A Brief Overview of the FOIA Immigration Request Timeline

Understanding the ins and outs of the immigration process can often feel like navigating a labyrinth. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and its role in obtaining crucial immigration-related documents is something immigration lawyers and immigrants must thoroughly grasp. Continue…
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A stack of documents in several manila folders. A wooden judge's gavel is resting on top of the paperwork.

A Complete History of FOIA Requests for Immigration

In a democracy, transparency is key. One of the most powerful tools for ensuring government transparency in the United States is the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). It grants citizens the right to access information from federal agencies, shining a…
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An engagement ring and two wedding rings. All three rings are gold; however, only two have inlaid diamonds.

4 Common K1 Visa Mistakes You Should Know About

Embarking on the journey to secure a K1 visa can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for couples. This visa, commonly known as the fiancé(e) visa, allows a foreign national to enter the United States to marry their U.S. citizen partner…
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A close-up view of an individual filling out a work visa application. The individual is holding a pen in their right hand.

6 Benefits of Sponsoring a Work Visa in the US

In today’s fiercely competitive business environment, staying ahead requires the ability to attract and retain top talent. With technological advancements and an increasingly global market, hiring talent from around the world has become more accessible and beneficial than ever. However,…
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Travel Limitations for Fiancé Visa Holders: What To Know

Travel Limitations for Fiancé Visa Holders: What To Know

Navigating the complexities of international travel for people on a K-1 fiancé(e) visa can be daunting. This special visa, designed to bring together U.S. citizens and their foreign-born partners, comes with legal constraints that dictate when and how visa holders…
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Navigating Immigration Policy Changes in 2024

Navigating Immigration Policy Changes in 2024

US immigration policies are an ever-evolving landscape that many people struggle to navigate. We can’t offer an all-encompassing list of every change in 2024, but we can simplify some of the big policy changes below. If you need assistance with…
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