What Supporting Documents Do You Need for a K1 ...

What Supporting Documents Do You Need for a K1 Visa?

What Supporting Documents Do You Need for a K1 Visa?

Falling in love is a magical experience. You’ll also need some magical documents if you want to bring your fiancé into the U.S. before your marriage. The specific document your non-North American fiancé will need is a K1 visa. What supporting documents do you need for a K1 visa? We can divide them into two basic categories: proof of your identity and proof of your relationship.

Proof the Sponsor Is a U.S. Citizen

A K1 visa depends on the fact that one person within the couple is a U.S. citizen, not another type of resident. The U.S. citizen who is sponsoring the K1 visa will need to provide documented proof that they are a citizen. Birth certificates or citizenship certificates are the most common proof people use.

Proof Your Relationship Is Real

Many attempt fraud with a K1 visa, so the U.S. government requires proof of the reality of your relationship. This proof can include documentation of previous marriages that ended in either death or divorce, photos of the two of you together or with each other’s families, and communications between the two of you. Time-stamped evidence is best since it proves the reality and longevity of your relationship.

Proof You’ve Met in Person Within the Last Two Years

While online relationships are valid, the U.S. government requires that you and your fiancé have met in person within the last two years to receive a K1 visa. Like the proof of your relationship they require, this proof of meeting helps mitigate fraud attempts so real couples can receive the visas they need to get married. Again, time-stamped evidence is best. Photos together, plane tickets, or itineraries can serve as this evidence. You can receive an exception if there are religious, cultural, or social norms preventing you from meeting in person.

Proof of Impending Marriage

Weddings take a long time to plan, but the U.S. government requires you and your fiancé to marry within 90 days of entrance to the U.S. on a K1 visa. This short timeframe is why many start wedding planning before they receive the K1 visa since receipts from wedding planning make good evidence. Sworn statements can also prove your intention to marry within the allotted time frame.

Now that you know what supporting documents you need for a K1 visa, you can start gathering those documents and find a K1 visa attorney. Gahagan Law Firm can help you quickly and correctly file for your visa so the magic of love and wedding planning can continue.