News & Resources

8 Cultural Considerations for K-1 Visa Couples

8 Cultural Considerations for K-1 Visa Couples

Love knows no boundaries, a fact often celebrated in the union of cross-cultural couples navigating the path toward marriage in the United States through the K-1 visa process. Popularly known as the fiancé(e) visa, the K-1 allows the foreign partner…
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What Happens During the Adjustment of Status Process

What Happens During the Adjustment of Status Process

For many foreign nationals, the opportunity to adjust their status to that of a legal permanent resident in the United States is a pivotal moment. Known as the adjustment of status (AOS) process, this pathway provides an avenue for certain…
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4 Common Immigration Pitfalls You Need To Avoid

4 Common Immigration Pitfalls You Need To Avoid

Navigating the complicated process of immigration can be a daunting challenge filled with numerous rules, regulations, and potential pitfalls. A slight misstep can have serious and lasting consequences for many immigrants, from delayed processing to outright denial. Continue reading to…
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Travel Limitations for Fiancé Visa Holders: What To Know

Travel Limitations for Fiancé Visa Holders: What To Know

Navigating the complexities of international travel for people on a K-1 fiancé(e) visa can be daunting. This special visa, designed to bring together U.S. citizens and their foreign-born partners, comes with legal constraints that dictate when and how visa holders…
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